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Mediation: Getting Yourself and Your Client Ready

Glasner Employment Law & Mediation

Preparing your case and your client for mediation is crucial in the dispute resolution process. As a lawyer, your role is to guide your clients and ensure they are well-prepared while developing a compelling case strategy. Here’s a detailed approach that has proven helpful.

Understanding the Mediation Process

Before diving into preparation, it’s crucial to thoroughly understand the mediation process. Mediation is a voluntary, confidential process in which a neutral third party (the mediator) assists the disputing parties in reaching a mutually agreeable resolution. Success in mediation often hinges on the parties’ willingness to collaborate and engage in productive dialogue. This understanding will empower you to guide your clients effectively.

Initial Case Assessment

Evaluate the Case

Conduct a thorough assessment of the case. Identify your position’s strengths and weaknesses, review legal precedents, and consider potential risks. A well-rounded understanding of your case will allow you to create a strategy focusing on the most compelling arguments while preparing for possible counterarguments from the other side.

Establish Clear Objectives

Work with your client to determine their goals for mediation. Consider not only their ideal outcome but also acceptable compromises. Effective mediation often requires flexibility and creative solutions, so encouraging your client to think broadly about potential resolutions can be beneficial.

Preparing Your Client

Educate Your Client

Inform your client about the mediation process, including what to expect and how it differs from a courtroom trial. Explain the mediator’s role in facilitating communication, exploring issues, and guiding the negotiation process. Emphasize that the mediator is not a judge and does not make binding decisions. This understanding will help your client feel more comfortable and engaged.

Communicate the Importance of Tone and Attitude

Stress the importance of maintaining a respectful and cooperative demeanor during mediation. Advise your client on effective communication techniques. They should express their feelings and concerns clearly and be prepared to listen to the other party’s viewpoint. Non-verbal cues are also significant; encourage your client to maintain open body language and eye contact. This guidance will support your client in navigating the dynamics of the mediation process.

Gathering Evidence and Documentation

Compile Relevant Documents

Gather and organize all pertinent documents and evidence that support your case. This may include contracts, emails, financial statements, photographs, and witness statements. Ensure that your client understands the importance of each piece of evidence and how it supports their position.

Create a Position Statement

Develop a succinct position statement outlining the case’s essential facts, your client’s position, and the desired outcome. This statement will serve as a reference during mediation and helps to keep the discussion focused. Share this statement with your client so they understand the case narrative you will present.

Role-Playing and Rehearsal

Practice with Role-Playing

Conduct mock sessions to help your client practice articulating their positions and responding to potential questions or challenges. Role-playing scenarios that simulate the mediation environment can boost your client’s confidence and help them handle the dynamics of the mediation process.

Prepare for Compromise

Discuss the importance of flexibility and being open to compromise. Encourage your client to brainstorm alternative solutions. Preparing them to propose and consider creative solutions will facilitate movement toward an agreeable resolution.

Strategy Development

Outline A Negotiation Strategy

Develop a negotiation strategy that includes your desired outcomes, areas where you can be flexible, and potential concessions. Set boundaries for what your client is willing to accept or reject. This strategy will serve as a roadmap during the mediation discussions.

Consult with the Mediator (If Possible)

If appropriate, communicate with the mediator ahead of time. Sharing initial thoughts on the case and the mediation process can help facilitate a smoother session. Some mediators appreciate knowing what to expect, which can shape their facilitation strategy effectively.

Handling Emotional Components

Acknowledge Emotional Factors

Recognize that disputes often involve emotional factors. Encourage your client to articulate their feelings and frustrations while working towards effective resolution strategies. Understanding these emotional components can aid both you and your client navigate difficult conversations during mediation.

Final Preparations

Confirm Logistics

Ensure all logistics, such as the date, time, location (or virtual platform), and any required technology, are in order. Your attention to detail in this area will help minimize stress on the day of mediation.

Maintain Open Lines of Communication

Encourage your client to reach out with any last-minute questions or concerns leading up to the mediation. Being available allows for reassurance and demonstrates your commitment to their case. This open line of communication can help alleviate any anxiety your client may have and reinforce your dedication to their successful mediation.


Preparing your case and your client for mediation requires a multifaceted approach. By educating your client, gathering essential information, practicing communication techniques, and strategizing for negotiation, you can create a conducive environment for resolving disputes effectively. Mediation can be a powerful tool for conflict resolution, and thorough preparation is critical to success.

Contact Lawrence Glasner today for assistance with all areas of mediation.

Client Reviews

Mr. Glasner deserves high praise from his peers. He is earnest, amiable, intelligent, ethical, hard-working, and responsible. He gives lawyers a good name, which says a lot.

Attorney Peer Review from Martindale-Hubbell

Mr. Glasner communicates promptly with clients and attorneys. He is hard working, innovative, compassionate, and attentive.

Attorney Peer Review from Martindale-Hubbell

Mr. Glasner has been a mentor to young lawyers, training them in negotiating skills, and the factors that derail the resolution process or lead to mutually beneficial settlements.

Kevin Rehwald, Partner

Mr. Glasner brings extensive experience, a unique perspective and peacemaking skills to his Colorado mediation practice. For 27-years, he was with Rehwald Glasner & Chaleff, a leading boutique firm in north L.A. County. He mediated over 400 employment, business, wage and hour, elder & child abuse...

Daniel Chaleff, Kevin Rehwald

Larry is a highly respected...He is known not only for his legal skills but for his integrity as well as compassion for his clients.

Attorney Peer Review from Martindale-Hubbell

Lawrence helped me negotiate an employment contract. His depth of knowledge on the subject, his care and concern for my needs, as well as his ability to bring fair terms to both sides swiftly, made him exceptional to work with. 10/10 would absolutely recommend to a friend!

Zachary A., VP Software and Data Analytics

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