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Severance Agreements

Navigating transitions in the workplace can often be complex and stressful. At Glasner Employment Law and Mediation, we alleviate such stress by offering comprehensive guidance on severance agreements. We focus on understanding variables like the context, associated benefits, and potential liabilities tied to your severance package. Equipped with substantial experience and extensive legal acumen, we strive to manage negotiations effectively and ensure our clients secure the most favorable terms.

Understanding the intricacies of employment law, we aim to protect your rights, interests, and future income. Leaving your job doesn’t have to be daunting. With Glasner Employment Law, you can feel confident navigating through every step of your employment transition. For additional details about our services or to schedule an initial discussion, please reach us at (818) 359-0537. We are committed to your success and peace of mind.

Common Provisions in Severance Agreements

Our law firm offers comprehensive guidance on various types of provisions included in severance agreements:

Severance Pay: An agreement offering a predetermined amount to be paid in lump-sum or installments given to an employee upon the termination of their employment. The parameters of this payment can vary based on tenure, salary, and reasons for termination, among others.

Liability Release: This clause safeguards the company in question against potential legal recourse from the terminated employee. The agreement asks the employee to formally renounce any claim against the company after their departure.

Health Insurance: A significant aspect of severance agreements is negotiating continued health insurance coverage. This provision outlines the duration and terms of coverage after the termination of employment.

Non-compete: Often, an employer includes this clause to prevent an employee from working for a competitor or starting a competing business for a specified period and in a certain geolocation.

Non-solicitation: This provision prevents employees from soliciting clients, customers, or other company employees.

Non-disparagement: This clause prohibits the employee from saying or implying anything negative about the company post-employment. This includes all media, including social networks and employment references.

Confidentiality: An important provision that stipulates the employee agreement to keep certain information about the company confidential even after their departure.

Our law firm is well versed in a variety of other provisions, not limited to the above comprehensive list. We have extensive knowledge of agreement legality and labor laws, which we use to draft and review severance agreements, safeguarding our clients’ rights and interests.

Non-Compete Provisions in Severance Agreements

Navigating the intricacies of severance agreements can often be complex, especially when it comes to understanding elements like non-compete provisions. These provisions are usually designed to prevent a departing employee from starting a competing business or working for a competitor for a specified period after termination. However, the enforceability of these provisions tends to vary significantly from one state to another. In California, for example, non-compete provisions are often seen as restrictive of the employee’s right to earn a livelihood and are generally viewed as unenforceable.

That being said, exceptions to this rule under California law exist where certain non-compete provisions may be enforceable. For instance, if a business is being sold and the seller agrees not to start a similar business in the same geographical area for a certain period, that could be an enforceable non-compete provision. Similarly, partners leaving a partnership may be bound by enforceable non-compete provisions. The scope, geographical restrictions, and time limits of these enforceable non-compete provisions can vary based on many factors, including the specific details of the agreement and the unique circumstances.

In all cases, it is imperative to thoroughly review the extent and implications of a non-compete provision within a severance agreement. This can provide valuable insight and understanding regarding an employee’s rights and restrictions following the termination of employment. Our adept team of lawyers can provide comprehensive knowledge and guidance to help you navigate this process.

Non-Disparagement Provisions in Severance Agreements

Severance agreements are essential to employment law and provide a vital safety measure as one navigates through transitional periods in one’s professional life. Among the many intricacies of severance agreements, one essential component that plays a critical role is the non-disparagement provision. This provision’s function is to safeguard both the employee and employer after termination or resignation, ensuring neither party speaks negatively nor causes harm to the other’s reputation.

Depending on the specific agreement, this provision can be one-sided or mutual. A one-sided non-disparagement provision primarily protects the employer, blocking the employee from making harmful remarks or actions against the company post-employment. On the other hand, a mutual non-disparagement provision ensures protection for both parties involved. The employee receives the same courtesy and protection, keeping the employer from causing potentially damaging situations.

However, a third alternative combines the benefit of a one-sided non-disparagement provision with a neutral reference clause, offering an amicable solution for both parties. This clause allows the employer to provide an unbiased reference for the employee’s future endeavors without negatively impacting their reputation or opportunities, and in return, the employee agrees to the one-sided non-disparagement provision. This safeguards the company’s reputation while providing the outgoing employee a fair reference. This pivotal part of severance agreements warrants a thorough understanding to ensure a smooth and fair termination process.

Enforceability of Severance Agreements

In California, the enforceability of severance agreements is regulated under specific legal guidelines. A legally sound severance agreement must abide by these rules to remain enforceable. At the forefront is the obligation to provide precise, unambiguous wording. In other words, the agreement’s content must be readily understandable, leaving no room for misinterpretation. Secondly, the agreement must be knowingly and voluntarily signed by both parties. Duress, coercion, or any other pressure leading to involuntary consent can void the agreement. Also, the agreement should maintain the employee’s established rights under California’s Employment Laws.

Periodically, the enforceability of severance agreements may face challenges. Commonly, disputes arise when an employee contests the voluntary nature of their signature, the clarity of the agreement’s terms, or claims of any violation of their employment rights. In these instances, the agreement’s enforceability is tested, opening a potential path to litigation. Importantly, to maintain the integrity of the severance agreement, it is essential to ensure its formation follows the letter of the law. Legal counsel may also guide employers to incorporate certain defenses in the agreement to counter potential challenges.

Our knowledgeable law firm is adept at crafting enforceable severance agreements that comply with California’s legal requirements. We understand the complexities surrounding these agreements and are well-equipped to guide you through the process, ensuring your interests are safeguarded. Trust us to provide detailed insight and reliable guidance in this crucial aspect of employment law.

Suing for a Breach of a Severance Agreement

A severance agreement, typically executed upon termination of employment, holds significant taxing complexities and intricate legal implications for employers and employees. Consequently, it is essential to handle it meticulously, as a breach of this agreement can have considerable repercussions and may lead to a legal claim by either party. Should this occur, the law provides numerous remedies for the aggrieved party.

Depending on the specific facts and circumstances, the exact form of relief granted can range from monetary damages to specific performance and the potentiality of securing an injunction. For example, monetary damages—the most common legal remedy—are often awarded to compensate the party for the loss incurred due to the breach. Sometimes, this may encompass a range of potential damages, such as compensatory damages, consequential damages, and even punitive damages, if there are elements of egregious behavior involved in the case.

In other, more specific cases, the court may order the party who breached the agreement to perform the terms of the agreement. A rare but plausible remedy is an injunction, where the court commands or prohibits an action to prevent ongoing or further harm.

Understanding the multifarious legal nuances involved in severance agreements can be overwhelming. Our skilled and experienced attorneys will adeptly navigate these complexities and help you understand your rights, obligations, and potential liabilities. Whether you’re an employer needing guidance in structuring fair and legally sound severance packages or an employee seeking to protect your interests in a severance negotiation, we strive to safeguard your beneficial interests.

Severance agreements are complex legal documents that come into play when ending an employment relationship. This departure often presents challenges, yet it can serve as a foundation for a respectful transition when handled well. Glasner Mediation and Law’s team comprises proficient attorneys who can guide you through the intricate process. With clarity in communication and accuracy in legal procedures, we facilitate an understanding of your severance agreement. We carefully examine factors like severance pay, liability release, health insurance, and non-compete provisions, among others, to ensure your rights and interests are protected. Trading uncertainty for confidence, we provide comprehensive advice to navigate your employment transition gracefully and with dignity. Transitioning from your job can be simple—partner with us for a stress-free experience marked by professionalism and a keen understanding of the law.

For more information, contact us at (818) 359-0537. We are dedicated to your success and peace of mind.

Client Reviews

Mr. Glasner deserves high praise from his peers. He is earnest, amiable, intelligent, ethical, hard-working, and responsible. He gives lawyers a good name, which says a lot.

Attorney Peer Review from Martindale-Hubbell

Mr. Glasner communicates promptly with clients and attorneys. He is hard working, innovative, compassionate, and attentive.

Attorney Peer Review from Martindale-Hubbell

Mr. Glasner has been a mentor to young lawyers, training them in negotiating skills, and the factors that derail the resolution process or lead to mutually beneficial settlements.

Kevin Rehwald, Partner

Mr. Glasner brings extensive experience, a unique perspective and peacemaking skills to his Colorado mediation practice. For 27-years, he was with Rehwald Glasner & Chaleff, a leading boutique firm in north L.A. County. He mediated over 400 employment, business, wage and hour, elder & child abuse...

Daniel Chaleff, Kevin Rehwald

Larry is a highly respected...He is known not only for his legal skills but for his integrity as well as compassion for his clients.

Attorney Peer Review from Martindale-Hubbell

Lawrence helped me negotiate an employment contract. His depth of knowledge on the subject, his care and concern for my needs, as well as his ability to bring fair terms to both sides swiftly, made him exceptional to work with. 10/10 would absolutely recommend to a friend!

Zachary A., VP Software and Data Analytics

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